Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bought back my 30yr @ 95-08+

So i'm legging out of my 7/30 steepener....i'm back to being long 7yr (i legged my ZN into 7yr cash).  Am i catching a falling knife?   My plan is to play for the end of day volatility (dealers will sometimes intentionally trap day longs at the lows, and then let the market pop up a couple ticks to breathe).  I'm offering out my 7's a tick above..hopefully i'll be going home flat so i can play the game again tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Can you post debacle analysis? :)

    I personally simply mad at myself because I closed yesterday short 30Y at 148-300, average price was 149-08 from Monday. Just didn't sit tight, disappointed now. 2 full points blown...
